Hilary Jacobs Hendel | The Change Triangle

Here's what you need to know:
Terms of Use
Press Kit
Want to Teach the Change Triangle® Tool for Emotional Health? Here's What’s OK and What’s Not OK:
It’s ok to use images of the Change Triangle and the Emotions Education 101™ Change Triangle Curriculum with your teams, groups, clubs, or entire organization. Share, discuss, and learn!
It’s NOT ok to sell images of the Change Triangle or use the Emotions Education 101™ curriculum for commercial uses without letting us know how you are using it. We want to maintain integrity and quality control. You can’t sell the Emotions Education 101™ Change Triangle curriculum.
Whenever you use the term "ChangeTriangle" or develop an image depicting the Change Triangle, you must include a notice such as "the Change Triangle(R) is a trademark of Hilary Jacobs Hendel, Change Triangle LLC New York, N.Y. Whenever you use the term "Emotions Education 101" you must include a notice such as Emotions Education 101™ is a trademark of Hilary Jacobs Hendel and Heather Sanford.
If you’re interested in digging deeper with your organization, you can hire a Certified Change Triangle Facilitator, or you can hire us to train your internal trainers, contact Hilary Jacobs Hendel or Heather Sanford at hilaryjacobshendel@gmail.com or sanford.he@gmail.com.
Media & Press Inquiries
If you are a writer, editor, or producer and would like to request an interview for a story, podcast, or video with Hilary Jacobs Hendel, please email hilary@hilaryjacobshendel.com.
If you would like to use my work in a book or scholarly article, please email use the registered trademark symbol ® and email me how you are using the work at hilary@hilaryjacobshendel.com.