Hilary Jacobs Hendel | The Change Triangle

License the Emotions Education 101™ Trauma-Informed Turnkey Curriculum
Teach Trauma-Informed, Emotions Education 101
in Your Practice, School, Agency, or Organization
Grounded in AEDP-theory and Affective Neuroscience
(Life-long User License Affordably Priced at $269)
Hello and welcome to Emotions Education 101!
Our mission is to provide a basic emotions education for teens and adults. Why? Because all people need emotions education to thrive and meet the many emotional challenges of living. We created an affordable and easy-to-implement program for you to facilitate this life-changing class for any population you serve and want to help.
The Emotions Education 101 8-week class can best be described as a gentle learning experience to understand emotions and defenses and help people work the Change Triangle tool, a powerful guide for wellbeing. The tools and education in the curriculum are based on accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP), a model firmly grounded in trauma theory, affective neuroscience, attachment theory, emotion theory, and transformational studies.
The course provides people with life-long tools for preventing, easing, and healing anxiety and depression. The reverberations affect generations to come. Participants learn how to predictably access and build their calm, courageous, clear, and compassionate authentic selves.
Connecting and sharing with others about emotions in a class such as this helps normalize emotions and decreases aloneness. Participants will leave the class with a language with which to communicate their emotions to others and themselves. Participants unlock their potential for deep and profound transformation. With a combination of left-brained didactic learning and right-brained experiential and body-based exercises, participants leave the class with self-knowledge, tools, and skills to start a life-long journey of growth that transforms wellbeing in distressing moments now and over their lifetime.
An alternative or addition to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or Mindfulness Training, the Emotions Education 101 8-week class is not therapy, it's experiential psychoeducation that is extremely therapeutic. Participants who take the class anecdotally report decreases in stress, anxiety, and depression.
This curriculum can be implemented as is or adapted as you see fit for a multitude of settings. For examples:
Are you a therapist, coach, counselor, clergy person, teacher, doctor, or nurse, serving populations dealing with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and trauma?
Do you want to improve the well-being of people in your corporation or other institution?
Do you want to provide wellness tools and life coaching in your community, like at a hospital, mental health corporation, or community center?
Are you concerned for students' wellness and want to provide lifelong tools to help manage emotions and emotional stress in a high school or college setting?
Has your work with parents and teachers helped you understand families' needs for emotions education so parents can model emotional competency for their children? Additionally, do you want to help parents and others better deal with their own emotions for self-care and to prevent unwittingly creating excess anxiety and shame in children?
No matter who you are, you can learn to facilitate Emotions Education 101 classes with our turnkey curriculum and half-day training.
Here's what is included:
The Training Manual PDF (to instruct facilitators).
The EE 101 Curriculum PDF with lesson plans for each class followed by the exercise scripts and PowerPoint slides with teaching notes for each slide.
Eight individual class folders containing three videos of Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW and Heather Sanford, LCSW teaching the daily PowerPoint lesson, opening exercise, and discussion exercise. (The videos are meant for people who may not wish to do the actual teaching portion as well as those who would like to use our teaching as a guide to inform their own.)
The full PowerPoint and Keynote slide decks for teaching.
PDF of the slides as handouts for participants.
The one-page consolidated homework sheet for participants.
Here's how to proceed and what you can expect:
Use the form below to purchase the curriculum. Each purchase is for one user only.
An email with a DropBox link will be emailed to you.
Use the link to access all the included materials.
Announce the dates and times of your class and invite participants.
Follow the guidelines of the curriculum each week and customize as you wish.
Watch your participants grow.
License per user (lifetime access): $269 per user
Bulk discounts are available for larger organizations. Contact hilaryjacobshendel@gmail.com or sanford.he@gmail.com with questions.
To purchase now, use the form below.
By paying you are accepting a contract that has the following agreements:
The EE 101 turnkey curriculum is our intellectual property. It is copyright protected.
I understand there are no refunds due to the nature of this product.
You cannot share this with other people and you definitely can not resell it.
If you want to share it, email sanford.he@gmail.com or hilaryjacobshendel@gmail.com for group pricing.
We give discounts for over five users, contact Heather Sanford, LCSW at sanford.he@gmail.com or Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW at hilaryjacobshendel@gmail.com.
Its Not Always Depression should be a foundational and mandatory piece of the curriculum of every school district in our country. Teachers, coaches, and administrators are simply not equipped to address the necessary emotional regulation of students, and at no point in their education are students ever armed with the skills to recognize, be with, and manage their own emotions with curiosity and compassion. So many of society's ills at large (as well as our own internal conflicts) could be safely and productively addressed if this book were on every bookshelf in America. I cannot more strongly recommend this book for anyone and everyone. In the words of Dr. Diana Fosha, "The bottom line is this: if you're a human, I recommend that you read this book."
- Damon Parker, High School teacher and Coach, Kansas
“I knew the class would be good, but I had no clue just how good. It's been outstanding and a pleasure and a joy. The epiphany that it was my authentic self that I was missing after today's first exercise was an enormous relief. Thank you!”
-Debbie Fray, Valparaiso, IN
"After 20 years of on and off therapy, and a lot of bibliotherapy in the last year and a half (I've read about 50 books on this subject since the beginning of 2020), I have to say that that this course (and Hilary's book) were what helped me the most. The Change Triangle is a compassionate map that helps you identify where you are in the present moment and helps you predict how you might feel as you start to heal, so that nothing is shocking or surprising and you feel a sense of pride and ownership throughout the process. By meeting weekly to learn more about how this all works, and to practice feeling emotions in the presence of others in the group, I have seen a significant improvement in my ability to trust others as well as myself. I wish I had been introduced to this empowering content earlier in my life, so I am doing my best to educate parents and teachers about your work so that they can hopefully pass on the benefit to their children." -Anne
“This course has been an amazing experience. I think you should do a lot more of these for people. Thank you for offering it!” -Anonymous
"I'm very much enjoying and getting a lot from this course ladies, thank you. The container you have created offers an open and sharing space for folks to come together with intention to better understand, and be with, ourselves; complex emotions and all that comes with having a beating heart. I've loved the psycho-education and the need to 'not fix' rather 'be with' myself... and what's happening inside. Participants' willingness to be vulnerable, and to share openly, has been so helpful in acknowledging 'me too', and feeling understood. Beyond class, I'm slowly showing up for myself in deeper awareness, more subtle and gentle ways too. I feel that I'm cultivating a more intimate level of 'emotional awareness' within, the good and the not-so-good, and am finding I'm less judgemental of myself in it all. A lifetimes' work. Thank You for creating and -so helpfully- facilitating this active learning group."
-Fiona, (Dublin Ireland)
“Great amount of homework, class is well run, good participation, could use more time for reflections” - Anonymous
“I’m loving the course and learning so much.” -Anonymous
“I wanted to take the course because I want to be my authentic self. At the beginning, I didn't think it would be possible because I didn't understand how one knows when they are being authentic. I think I understand now. I don't know if it can happen for me but you have given me the tools to know how. It's up to me to do it.” -Anonymous
“This course has been an amazing experience. I think you should do a lot more of these for people. Thank you for offering it!” -Anonymous
“Going well. glad to be here” -Anonymous
“Very very good” -Anonymous
“Great class.” - Anonymous